“The Wondrous Journey Of Little Sophie” -is an animated feature film in the making roughly based on the book 'LITTLE SOPHIE & LANKY FLOP' BY ELS PELGROM ILLUSTRATED BY THÉ TJONG-KHING. The first characters have been designed in 2d and 3d and already look wonderful! The first sketches for the sceneries and environments also look very promising.
In total two animatics (feature length) were made to further shape the story and to pitch the film to investors and funds. The reactions were very positive, however some rewriting was necessary to adapt the story to the target audience.
logline: Little Sophie wakes up in her sickbed to find out that the dolls in her bedroom have come alive and are casting volunteers for the play: “What life has to offer”. That night Sophie, her rag doll Lanky Flop, Mister Bear and her cat Terror embark on an adventurous and dramatic journey through life.
Synopsis: Little Sophie (9) is an inquisitive and intelligent young girl who is seriously ill (she has a brain tumor) and therefore bedridden.
Sophie has an unquenchable thirst to know what goes on in the world and bored to death, she drives the people around her crazy with
her never-ending questions about life. One night, feverish, she wakes up to find her dolls have come alive and they are rehearsing a play: What Life has to Offer”. Eager to find out more about life she decides to participate. Accompanied by her lazy cat Terror, her expensive teddy bear Mister Bear and her adventurous rag doll Lanky Flop, she gets sucked into the mesmerizing world of the play……….
To get an idea of how the story would work, all important elements were put in place: visuals, dialogue, SFX and music. Below are some examples of the rough score written for the animatic. To be continued………